
30 years ago there was no discussion about grapes. Today the debate has grown and is in-depth. Grapes are the raw material for wine and are very important. The grapes are made in the vineyard and we can influence the specifications during the viticulture. There are many myths about the vineyard, for example, wine is made in the vineyard. But the truth is that the wine is made in the winery. The viticulturist or viticulturist is very important and does many things. He is not just a farmer but something special, he is the caretaker of the raw material for the wine.

Viticulturists love their vineyard and have specific practices, which change rarely. There is a general conservatism in viticulture with which we can influence the physicochemistry of the grape and influence the vine. For example we can define how thick the bark will be, how much water each roe will have and this is because we can have better aroma extraction in the must which we want.

Viticulture means keeping our grapes healthy. Is very

crucial for winemaking, to be healthy grapes, because it is the basis for a good wine. But it is not the essence of the result. It is an important factor in winemaking.

The vine is a plant of constant growth. When given the necessities it has a continuous vegetation. Because their ancestor, the wild vine, was climbing, the vine has an unbridled vivacity and climbs, so the actions of the Viticulturist are necessary. The genital material (variety or clone) of the vines number over 10,000 natural varieties. This is the main reason for differentiating grapes from other agricultural products because 2,000-3,000 plants are grown worldwide.

The propagating material of the vines, ie their preservation and multiplication, is the big problem worldwide. There are many types, “biotypes” that scientists are trying to identify and maintain because systematic viticulture needs uniform vines in terms of variety, date and size – roga sugars in terms of viticulture.


The global trend of viticulture

China now produces wine and is the largest wine producer. It is a development of the last 15 years. In China most grapes are table grapes. The big circles are in Italy, France and Spain which are the three big powers in the world that shape trends, prices. Turkey, Iran and Egypt produce table grapes.

Image: Map of grape production

Source: 2019 Statistical Report on World Vitiviniculture



Production of propagating vine material

The production of vine propagating material is defined by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food. Based on no. 258676 / 29-09-2003 JMC “Technical Regulation for the Control and Certification of the vegetative propagating materials of the vine” we have the following characteristics in the production of propagating material of the vine:

A. Native plantations: plantations (nurseries) intended for the production of: 1. grafts of the following categories: a) raw material, b) basic material, c) certified material and d) standard material, and 2. root inoculants or / and rooted root cuttings subject to the following categories: a) raw material, b) basic material and c) certified material, and which have been officially tested (Departments of Agriculture and Control, TAAE) and have been officially accepted.

B. Nurseries: plantations (nurseries) intended for the production of root cuttings of the following categories: 1. a) raw material, b) basic material, c) certified material and d) standard material (root) for root grafted grafted cuttings and 2. a) raw material, b) basic material and c) certified material for root cuttings of simple subjects. and which have been officially audited (Departments of Agriculture and Control, TAAE) and have been officially accepted.

Below are the flow charts for the production of vine propagating material.

Source: Ministry of Rural Development and Food


Source: Ministry of Rural Development and Food

Source: Dr. Stefanos Koundouras. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

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